awesome quote from Nouwen...
"Therefore I would like to voice loudly and clearly what might seem unpopular and maybe even disturbing: the Christian way of life does not take away our loneliness; it protects and cherishes it as a precious gift. Sometimes it seems as if we do everything possible to avoid the painful confrontation with our basic human loneliness, and allow ourselves to be trapped by false gods promising immediate satisfaction and quick relief. But perhaps the painful awareness of loneliness is an invitation to transcend our limitations and look beyond the boundaries of our existence." taken from The Wounded Healer by Henri Nouwen
Enjoyed Thanksgiving in TN with Melody's family. will hopefully put up some pics soon from that trip. played a round of golf, ate lots of good food, went bowling, played football with boys, and just relaxed. a great time with family. more memories for us.
Did anyone happen to see Alabama put a royal "spanking" on Auburn?
How bout a little ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Melody had us put up our Christmas decor prior to leaving for TN. Was great to come home to a Christmas tree. great idea, Mel!!
i have some good friends in NC who started up a ministry called Was looking at their website today. Check it ministry.
I was also checking out a friend's church in Clermont, FL today. this is the church we helped develop while living there....they are only about 3-4 years old. check them out at awesome pastor and fellowship of people.
Just thankful today to have a warm home. bitter cold outside...calling for snow flurries. on days like this, i always think about those who are without warmth. maybe someone on the street who was kicked out of their house or forced out. maybe someone who ran out of choices. or maybe a person who made wrong choices and landed on the streets. no matter what brought them there, i am mindful today that i can experience physical warmth. and that i should try to bring that kind of warmth to others. may we never forget...
Monday, December 1, 2008
Few random updates
Posted by Randy at 2:05 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Life at the Ranch
God has been up to amazing things with Encounter. This is truly a movement that is much bigger than us. God is putting together dreams and visions that are going to transform hearts and families for years to come. We are partnering with a dear brother of ours, Allen Russell, to help develop a place (a Ranch) to minister. You can check out The Ranch and Allen's dream at and click on "The Ranch". One of the primary projects we have been working on is an old farmhouse. Mark Hinson, a dear friend, is helping to make this project happen along with several men from our community in Birmingham . We are doing a lot of rennovating to this place so that it can be used for retreat, getaways, etc. I can honestly say that this piece of land is just beautiful (around 24oo+ acres). And this farmhouse/cabin is going to be a great place for setting hearts free.
Last week, 3 friends from North Carolina...John, Mike, and Jesse came down on a mission trip. Their primary project was to help work on the farmhouse. But they ended up doing a lot more than just painting, hammering, etc. These men shared their stories and brought a lot of strength to our community here. I am so thankful that they came to serve. But I am more thankful for the relationships that were built and the dreams that are being realized. Here are a few pics from their time here...
basic view of the farmhouse
John (aka Vanna) shows off the exterior work
the deck we are reworking
when clearing out the house, we found our Ranch mascot...Chuckie. kind of freaky, huh?
Posted by Randy at 9:58 AM 0 comments
few more pics from Ranch
Jesse is a master carpenter...we think!
exterior work
Mark and Gary...studs for Jesus!
John...careful with the nail gun, pal!!
Posted by Randy at 9:57 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
have you ever wondered why random is such a random word? or am i just being random about this. isn't this one of those words...that when you say it over and over...random, random, starts sounding weird. enough of this.
here are some random updates from a random kind of guy...
+Africa Auction was a great success. a beautiful evening with lots of folks from the different Encounter communities. we were able to raise a lot of money...every dollar will be sent over to Lesotho to help feed children and care for families. many thanks to those who came out and supported Encounter Humanity.
=Melody's weekend retreat with the women was beautifully intense. the women came ready to share and fight for freedom. i'm sure many stories of healing and freedom will come from this time together. many were praying for these women and the weekend was heavily opposed from the enemy. but from everything Mel shared...the beauty far outweighed the battle.
#Caleb's flag football team is 0-3...but who gives a rip. we are the Miami Dolphins. we had a double header on saturday against the Saints and the 49ers. the Saints really bombed us...but i think those kids were on steroids or performance-enhancements. but we were close with the 49ers. Caleb had the play of the day...on the 4 yard line, he's QB, goes back and passes to Logan (receiver) for a touchdown!!! Go DOLPHINS.
@Brennan has returned to sucking his thumb after a 2-3 month hiatus from it. our dentist, james sanderson, had encouraged him to stop the he stopped...for a few months. then, it returned with a vengeance. one thing about B...he'll stop when he wants to.
*the roses in our yard look gorgeous. wow, hard to believe they could be blooming so beautifully in October.
^i am loving the fall weather right the cool snap that is happening.
>my 97 ford truck just hit 212,000 miles and still runs like an ol' vintage. this truck is my office on wheels. melody hates the smell...i always say "what smell?"
?How do you fix a chimp? monkey wrench. it was on caleb's popsicle stick tonight.
&My brother, Brett, came up on saturday and spent the day with us. he now lives in dothan. i love this guy...huge heart and amazing servant. short visit, but great time.
!Still working on the psalms book. no acceptance letters from publishers, so we are pursuing the self-publishing route. working on cover design, etc. Hope to have some initial copies ready by the holidays to help support the ministry.
&%#$(*&I'm running out of symbols on my keyboard and running out of random things. so, i'll end this random blog about random things.
Posted by Randy at 10:00 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
busy month...
wow, october is shaping up to be quite a busy month.
2 things coming up this week...
Africa Auction is tomorrow night in downtown birmingham. going to be a great night for all areas of Encounter coming together. And a special spotlight on Encounter Humanity. We are expecting 80+ people to come and have over 100 items to auction. All proceeds go to feed families and orphans in Lesotho. for more info on auction and Lesotho, check out
Women's retreat this weekend. This weekend, Melody is taking some women on a retreat. They leave out on friday and return on sunday. These women have been walking through Captivating...a study focused on a woman's journey and healing. this weekend will be an intentional time of fighting for hearts and freedom. wow, can't wait to see what God does.
On another note...please pray with us about finances for the ministry. Encounter has had a few tough months and we are hurting financially. Bills are unpaid, resources are tight and we are feeling it. At the same time, there are more exciting things happening and coming up than ever. So, pray with us for God's provision and His people's faithfulness. thanks so much...
Posted by Randy at 9:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Inner Chaos
Another insightful word from Nouwen...
"To bring some solitude into our lives is one of the most necessary but also most difficult disciplines. Even though we may have a deep desire for real solitude, we also experience a certain apprehension as we approach that solitary place and time. As soon as we are alone, without people to talk with, books to read, TV to watch, or phone calls to make, an inner chaos opens up in us.
This chaos can be so disturbing and so confusing that we can hardly wait to get busy again. Entering a private room and shutting the door, therefore, does not mean that we immediately shut out all our inner doubts, anxieties, fears, bad memories, unresolved conflicts, angry feelings, and impulsive desires. On the contrary, when we have removed our outer distractions, we often find that our inner distractions manifest themselves to us in full force.
We often use these outer distractions to shield ourselves from the interior noises. It is thus not surprising that we have a difficult time being alone. The confrontation with our inner conflicts can be too painful for us to endure.
This makes the discipline of solitude all the more important. Solitude is not a spontaneous response to an occupied and preoccupied life. There are too many reasons not to be alone. Therefore we must begin by carefully planning some solitude."
Posted by Randy at 12:54 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
From an Absurd to an Obedient Life
Our brother Henri Nouwen, once again speaks to the heart...
"From all that I said about our worried, overfilled lives, it is clear that we are usually surrounded by so much outer noise that it is hard to truly hear our God when he is speaking to us. We have often become deaf, unable to know when God calls us and unable to understand in which direction he calls us.
Thus our lives have become absurd. In the word absurb we find the Latin word surdus, which means "deaf." A spiritual life requires discipline because we need to learn to listen to God, who constantly speaks but whom we seldom hear.
When, however, we learn to listen, our lives become obedient lives. The word obedient comes from a Latin word audire, which means "listening." A spiritual discipline is necessary in order to move slowly from an absurd to an obedient life, from a life filled with noisy worries to a life in which there is some free inner space where we can listen to our God and follow his guidance."
--from Making All Things New
something to chew on...
Posted by Randy at 3:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The Highest Form of Prayer
Been thinking a lot recently about prayer. Why do we do it? What purpose does it serve? Does God need me to pray...what difference does it make? For some these are unsettling questions...they are for me too. But this wrestling that I'm going through is good but painful. I have been simply asking God, "Teach me to pray."
A word from someone who lived many years ago and struggled with the same issues. This a good reminder for me...
From Julian of Norwich who lived 1343 to 1413...sometimes the dead speak louder than those living...
"For the highest form of prayer is to the goodness of God."
"Just as our flesh is covered by clothing, and our blood is covered by our flesh, so are we, soul and body, covered and enclosed by the goodness of God. Yet, the clothing and the flesh will pass away, but the goodness of God will always remain and will remain closer to us than our own flesh.
God only desires that our soul cling to him with all of its strength, in particular, that it clings to his goodness. For of all the things our minds can think about God, it is thinking upon his goodness that pleases him most and brings the most profit to our soul.
For we are so preciously loved by God that we cannot even comprehend it. No created being can ever know how mkuch and how sweet and tenderly God loves them. It is only with the help of his grace that we are able to persevere in spiritual contemplation with endless wonder at his high, surpassing, immeasurable love which our Lord in his goodness has for us."
Posted by Randy at 11:28 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
A Tree in Memory
As most of you know, we had a miscarriage almost a month ago. It has been amazing to see the community here reach out to us anc care for us. We have a wonderful group of friends who fight for our hearts and know us well. Some couples brought us a crape myrtle tree (sp?) to plant in memory of our third child. These pics show the boys and I digging and planting the tree together. For me, it was a healing experience and great memory for me and the boys. That tree represents life and helps me to remember.
Posted by Randy at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Blankets for Africa
Posted by Randy at 1:51 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Elder-ly Thoughts
been soaking this last week on Luke 15. the story of the "prodigal come home" has been showing up in many different settings and parts of my life. i don't know if there is a better piece of scripture to display the heart and grace of our Father. as many years as i have explored this truth-story, i continue to be overwhelmed by finding myself in the story.
i am the prodigal. i have thrown away my father's inheritance and lived in the wastelands of my sinfulness. i have been welcomed home by the unmerited, undeserved, and unbelievable grace of our God.
i am also the older brother...the elder. i have been arrested, once again, by the truth that i am this man. i am a recovering legalist. i am the elder.
I have...
-placed obedience to God over intimacy with God
-found worth in the fields instead of resting in "being at home"
-placed service for God above relationship with God
-chosen slavery over sonship
-judged my brothers and sisters with finger-pointing faith
-treated prodigals more like cousins than brothers
-covered my own sin by uncovering others
-hidden behind a pulpit of self-righteousness
-placed knowledge above intimacy
-condemned in order to cover my own butt
-kept score in my ledger of life
-attempted to balance the scales with religious fervor and ritual
-thrown rocks instead of ropes
-sat in church wondering "why is that person going up front?"
-prayed the prayer "Thank you God that I'm not like..."
-played the game of haves and have-nots
-elevated fairness, justice, and the law above grace and unmerited favor of God
-used the language of recovery without realizing recovery
-fought the wrong battles and died on unnecessary hills
-hidden behind goodness and gloated in brokenness
-hidden behind brokenness and gloated in goodness
i am the older brother in need of the father's embrace and welcome home. i desperately need God to save me from my well oiled, mechanical system of service and obedience called religion. this is who i am...but more importantly, this is who God is. may i live this day as a man, a brother, a son...redeemed by the radical grace of God.
Posted by Randy at 10:57 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
Confusing Circumstances
The last week, God has been speaking a lot about suffering and silence. That's kind of weird...God has been speaking about silence. Anyway, this morning I was reminded about choosing to trust even when things don't add up or make sense. I was really encouraged through some points that Henry Blackaby made about "confusing circumstances"...
When Circumstances are Confusing...
1. Settle in your own mind that God has forever demonstrated His absolute love for you on the cross. That love will never change.
2. Do not try to understand what God is like from the middle of your circumstances.
3. Go to God and ask Him to help you see His perspective on your situation.
4. Wait on the Holy Spirit. He may take the Word of God and help you understand your circumstances.
5. Adjust your life to God and what you see Him doing in your circumstances.
6. Do all He tells you to do.
7. Experience God working in and through you to accomplish His purposes.
I was really struck by #2. Such a temptation to try and understand God and His ways in the midst of a trying the last 2 weeks. Instead of focusing on the "unknowns" of my circumstances, I choose today to focus and lean on what I "know" about God's character and faithfulness.
Posted by Randy at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
the hour that changed us...
2pm last wednesday forever marked us.
about 6 weeks ago, we found out that we were having a third child. excitement had started building in the Hemphill home. we were starting to think of names...what if it's a girl or another boy? started planning for caleb's room to become the brothers' hangout and brennan's room would be converted to a nursery. it was so exciting to tell friends and family about our new addition. melody's body had started going through changes and she was feeling "pregnant". the joy of knowing you have been entrusted with another child. our family was increasing and our hearts were too.
tuesday of last week was filled with some odd things. some abnormal pregnancy pains and some things that concerned us. i thought it was just normal stuff. i gathered with our brothers who meet on tuesday night and we prayed...i mean really prayed. i felt the strength of these men gathered around me, laying hands on me, and interceding for our family. i came out of this time with a peace. I just knew God would come through and provide healing for this little child and for Melody. got home around midnight, not knowing what the next day would hold.
and then came 2pm on wednesday.
we made an appointment with the doctor for 1pm to just check things out. just wanting to make sure everything was ok. i took brennan and we met melody at the doctor's office. i was still holding on to this peace from tuesday night that God had given me...everything would be ok. we waited...and then some tests...we waited some more...until the doctor came in...
this was the hour that changed us...we found out there was no heartbeat, our child was no longer alive. the word "miscarriage" had now entered our vocabulary. we heard the sincere words from our doctor, "I'm sorry" followed by some instructions and things to consider. but we were honestly that we were not planning or expecting to hear.
along with the death of our third child came the loss of dreams and hopes that had filled our hearts. those places were now covered with pain and emptiness. hope lost is a devastating thing.
so, now i sketch some thoughts...the tuesday after. at this time last week, i had no idea the week i would be facing. i had no idea that one hour would so change my life.
i trust God...but He feels distant.
i know He speaks...but He seems silent.
i have amazing community...but i feel alone.
i am emotionally spent...yet i have tears inside.
i want another child...but i'm scared of facing this again.
i believe...yet i have a lot of disbelief.
i want to hope but my heart hurts.
God, would you meet me in my pain? bind up my broken heart. comfort me in this time of mourning. set free the captive parts of my heart. and please bring restoration. bring hope again...
Posted by Randy at 3:53 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Fuel Truck Driver
"A fuel truck driver was on a delivery run during a raging blizzard in the days before CB radios and cell phones. While travelling along a dark, deserted stretch between two isolated towns, the truck skidded off the road and wound up hopelessly stuck. As the storm passed and sunrise came, the temperature dropped to nearly 40 below zero. The driver stayed with the truck in the hopes that someone would pass by and rescue him. After many hours of waiting, he ran out of diesel fuel. Without the engine running, the truck's heater was useless. When police found him later the next day, he had frozen to death.
This kind of tale is not uncommon in the northern parts of Canada. It seems that hardly a winter goes by that someone isn't lost. The thing that makes this story so remarkable is that the driver had 10,000 gallons of diesel fuel in the tanker he was hauling. At first glance it would seem there was no way to move it from the tanker into the truck in order to keep it running. But when we heard the story, we immediately thought that there must have been some way to do that. The driver could have saved his life if he would have just tried something, anything! If he would have just focused his energy on using the resources that he had in the situation that he found himself in, he would have survived.
Many of us find ourselves in the same kind of place. Something (a behavior, circumstance, attitude, or a relationship) is killing us. There are answers or resources close at hand, but somehow it seems impossible for us to reach them or put them into action. We are comfortable in the cab of the truck, hopeful that someone will come and rescue us or that our situation will somehow change by itself. For many of us, the fear of what we will find if we leave our "truck" often seems so much worse than the actual issues with which we struggle."
(excerpt from the Power of Brokenness)
Posted by Randy at 8:53 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Sumo Wrestling
we were watching the olympics the other night, when a sumo wrestling commercial came on. i told the boys that i was once an "aspiring sumo wrestler". i then informed them of the basics of sumo wrestling. i said, "it is basically a bunch of big-bellied dudes, in their underwear, wrestling on the floor." within seconds, brennan was stripped down to his underwear, wanting to pick a fight with caleb. it was a hilarious moment in our living room. now, they can't wait to watch sumo wrestling at the olympic games.
Posted by Randy at 3:53 PM 1 comments
I have to admit that i love flowers. have always enjoyed working in the yard and growing various flowers. melody has come to know that when i "water the flowers"...that's my time to take in beauty and admire God's creation. this year, i decided to try and grow roses. never attempted this before. i have come to see that roses are very sensitive and difficult to grow. you have to pamper them a lot. but, wow, the beauty. one of the primary reasons i grew them...was to be able to pick fresh flowers for mel. love having fresh flowers in the house. so, thought i'd share a few pics with you...
this is a carribbean crush...
this one has a beautiful mix of colors...
fragrant, pink rose...
this is probably the most beautiful, deep red rose...
Posted by Randy at 3:43 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
Hoping for Help
Lamentations 3:19-24 (The Message)
It's a Good Thing to Hope for Help from God
19-21I'll never forget the trouble, the utter lostness, the taste of ashes, the poison I've swallowed.I remember it all—oh, how well I remember— the feeling of hitting the bottom.But there's one other thing I remember, and remembering, I keep a grip on hope:
22-24God's loyal love couldn't have run out, his merciful love couldn't have dried up.They're created new every morning. How great your faithfulness!I'm sticking with God (I say it over and over). He's all I've got left.
Posted by Randy at 10:38 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
choosing to remember...birthday blessings
i've heard before that forgetfulness is one of the chief enemies of the heart. amazing how much i tend to forget things. my memory becomes more selective with age.
but tomorrow, august 8, is a special day that i will choose to do much remembering.
melody's birthday is august 8. this will be a day to celebrate her and her beauty. so, in the spirit of remembering which spurs gratitude, let me celebrate my bride...
*her outer beauty only reflects the inner glory of her heart
*she is pregnant with our 3rd child and looks amazing and beautiful
*she holds the key to my heart
*she loves me in a way that humbles me
*i admire her courage and strength
*i love the way she leans on me and trusts me
*together, i think we make a great team
*she nurtures and tenderly guides our boys
*she puts up with a lot of my weird qualities (not that there are many)
*she boldly shares her story of brokenness and God's redeeming power
*she makes me want to love God more
Happy Birthday Mel...i love you deeply and always!!!
Posted by Randy at 8:38 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
brennan manning
could not figure out how to upload this video to my is a 3 minute jewel of teaching from brennan manning. Encounter is bringing Brennan to birmingham in february of 2009. can't wait for this time with him.
this video would be well worth the 3 minutes and hours of digesting what is shared...
Posted by Randy at 1:48 PM 0 comments
pastors versus professors
"...out of that recognition a conviction grew: that my primary educational task as pastor was to teach people to pray. I did not abandon, and will not abandon, the task of teaching about the faith, teaching the content of the gospel, the historical backgrounds of biblical writings, the history of God's people. I have no patience with and will not knowingly give comfort to obscurantist or anti-intellectual tendencies in the church. But there is an educational task entrusted to pastors that is very different from that assigned to professors. The educational approaches in all the schools I attended conspired to ignore the wisdom of the ancient spiritual leaders who trained people in the disciplines of attending to God, forming the inner life so that it was adequate to the reception of truth, not just the acquisition of facts. The more I worked with people at or near the centers of their lives where God and the human, faith and the absurd, love and indifference were tangled in daily traffic jams, the less it seemed that the way I had been going about teaching made much difference, and the more that teaching them to pray did."
--Eugene Peterson in The Contemplative Pastor
Posted by Randy at 1:33 PM 0 comments
update on publishing journey
still continuing on the publishing journey with the Psalms devotional book. we sent the book proposal to 15 publishers back in early june. i have heard form about half of them so far. so still waiting to hear from the others.
had a interesting phone call with one publisher a few weeks back. the lady was with a publisher and, though they had no need for the book right now, she wanted to talk with me about it. pretty cool phone call. she had a few thoughts on book title and some content suggestions. she thought that we were "on to something" with the book and the layout. so, this was a very encouraging call. she also gave my name to a guy who runs a publishing company that specializes in first-time authors and self-publishing.
the guy with that c0mpany called and we talked for a while. it sounds like a great setup. you can actually get your book published, though you maintain full rights to the book. they help with design, setup, and marketing of the book. so, it is kind of a middle ground between self-publishing and publishing. the route would involve about $4000 in upfront money. in the long run, this would be worth the money, because of the exposure and professional touch that comes to your book. needless to say, we don't have the money to do that.
so, for now, i feel led to do 2 things. continue to wait on God's timing and how He wants to do this. and second, i am going to pursue self-publishing on a smaller scale. so, that's the latest.
Posted by Randy at 1:18 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
friday night at the movies
every friday night in the Hemphill home is "movie night". the kids have come to love it and anticipate our time together. they love it so much because we eat popcorn and lay on the bed together while watching a movie. i have to admit...Dad loves it too.
tonight, we watched a preview DVD of The pirates who don't do anything...a veggietales movie. it has lots of songs to dance and sing to. so, we had a great time together.
sidenote: due to brennan (our 3 year old) eating popcorn on our bed...we now have a comforter filled with little white specs of corn and a few kernels. i guess if i get hungry while sleeping tonight...i can just grab a snack in bed. or we could have breakfast in bed...nothing like some popcorn to wake up to.
brennan...thanks for reminding me that, at the end of the day, who gives a rip if you get a little popcorn on the bed, as long as you enjoy the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that has some spiritual parallel...i think!!)
Posted by Randy at 10:19 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
the beauty of community
tonight, our small group met in a home for supper, fellowship, and hanging out. had a good time shooting hoops with the guys and watching the kids play together. the ladies gathered like hens, in the kitchen, to share stories and "women-stuff" (what exactly do women talk about when they get together??? makes you wonder...)
anyway, at the end of the night, we had a quick, informal "check-in" to see how everyone was doing. melody and i were able to share honestly about some challenges we were facing. instead of having to carry the mantle of "leaders", this group/family allows us to be a real couple with real struggles. they encourage us to share and be ourselves. they listened, shared encouraging words, and prayed for us.
as they prayed, i sensed the sure presence of God and i felt a wave of relief come over me. my pride almost kept me from sharing...but i am so glad i did. God ministered to me through my brothers and sisters. i saw the body of Christ at work tonight.
i am coming to see how rare of a gift this truly is. honestly, few ministers have this type of community. most ministers have to be "on" and always there for somebody. few ministers experience a group where they are allowed/encouraged to be honest and share struggles. this feeds the isolation and loneliness that most of us ministers deal with regularly.
so, i am learning to lean. learning to trust. learning to entrust myself to others and let them fight for my heart.
thank you, God my Father, for allowing me to experience the beauty of community.
Posted by Randy at 10:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
*shelter or protection from danger, trouble, etc.: to take refuge from a storm.
*a place of shelter, protection, or safety.
*anything to which one has recourse for aid, relief, or escape.
2 Samuel 22:3my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior— from violent men you save me.
Psalm 9:9The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.
Psalm 18:2The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
Psalm 59:16But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.
Psalm 118:8It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man.
Nahum 1:7The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him,
So, this morning, I asked God to give me a word...speak to me. I woke up feeling overwhelmed by circumstances and things out of my control. I was starting to focus on so much junk that gets me down and oppressed. Over the last year, finances tends to be a "standard" thing the enemy uses to defeat and oppress us. Wondering how in the world we will make it and how to pay the bills. I know, in my head, that God will provide and that He honors obedience. I know that God does not direct and then abandon...that is not His heart.
But, my crazy feelings and emotions get in the way. But what if He doesn't? What if we go under and lose it all? What if we fall flat on our face?
So, I asked God to give me a word today...something I could hold on to and gather strength from...Refuge. Came across this word several times in a study I'm doing and in scripture. And the call was to worship God as my Refuge. Worship Him and praise Him for being my very present Help in time of trouble.
Worship? today? are you serious? When circumstances look grim...when finances are empty...when I am oppressed and feel defeated...worship? I guess this is where the faith/worship thing is so counter-human. It runs against everything that I want to do...I have to choose it.
So, this is my plan for today...worship God as my Refuge. This is the heart of my God. He will shelter and protect me. I must trust Him.
I think I will also memorize this verse...
Psalm 118:8: It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.
Posted by Randy at 9:15 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 4, 2008
the publishing journey
Been a long time dream...i mean a long time one day write and publish a book. I can trace it back to 4th grade with my teacher, ms. burnette. everyone had, i hope, a ms. burnette in your early years. she was an amazing teacher who saw things in me i could not see. she gave me my first journal and said "one day, you'll write a book." ms. burnette did not realize the seeds she was planting during those innocent, 4th grade days. (sidenote: i hope to one day see ms. burnette and thank her...that would be an awesome moment.)
over the years, i have always loved reading books and writing. melody will tell you that our garage is packed with books to fill the shelves. just always had a love for books and the impact they have on people's lives and on my life.
so, several years back I had written a devotional book on the psalms. it laid dormant for several years...used in a few settings, but not too much. last december, though, God clearly told me to go back and edit the writing. so, i took about 3 months to edit and get it together. then, spent some time working together a book proposal. finally, about 2 weeks ago, melody and i sent it off to about 15 publishers.
this past week, i have received 3 letters back. all of them rejection letters...but i have to say they were nicely written. all of them said that they were looking for other materials right children's publications. so, even though it was a "no", i was still encouraged through them.
there is a local friend who is willing to help me self-publish, if we decide to go that route. so, we can atleast make them available through the ministry.
overall, though, I am real excited to actually be getting some letters back. I'm excited to see what God is going to do through all of this. the call to write is strong. i sense that God wants us to do more of get the message of freedom and life out to people. excited to see what the next pages hold...
Posted by Randy at 10:17 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 30, 2008
The Shack
Recently read a book called the Shack by William Young. Come to find out...this book is on the bestseller's list and has probably hit the million mark. Interesting story of the author and how he never intended to even publish it. It was written for his kids as a way to convey the Christian faith in story/parable form. Then, in 2005, they published and it has been taking off since.
You can listen to his interviews on the Drew Marshall show to hear more of the author's story. This guy has a story of redemption and healing...pretty cool to listen to. Just google on Drew Marshall and find the interview...Drew Marshall is a big, radio personality in Canada.
The interesting thing about this book is the amount of controversy it is stirring. I've found preachers on youtube who are calling it heresy and stuff. Amazing how people get their feathers so ruffled over things and choose to die on hills that are not worth dying wonder if these preachers think they need to "defend God" or something. Now I know that those who are struggling with the "theological ramifications" of this book would choose to differ...and I understand. Been to seminary and I do understand the importance of protecting doctrine, etc. But this guy is not writing some doctoral dissertation. He is telling a story. A story of a friend's journey through brokenness and healing as he met God at the shack.
I have personally enjoyed the story and journey told in this book. It is a powerful, deep story of a man's pain and how God moves toward our pain instead of being afraid of it. God actually invites him to the Shack...his place of deepest pain...and meets him there.
I remember reading a book called the Crucified God by Moltmann. He talks about God and pain. There is a great phrase in the book that talks about "God in Auschwitz and Auschwitz in God." In referring to his encounter with God in the terror of the Holocaust...he finds God in the darkest pain. The basic premise is that God is found/realized in our deepest pain.
How do I deal with pain?
Do I move toward it or away from it?
How does God use pain and heartache in my own journey?
How is God initiating me and growing me through difficulty and pain?
How did I learn to deal with pain growing up?
What am I teaching my own children about pain?
Lots of good questions to wrestle with. I would encourage anyone to read this book and get in touch with their own journey and spiritual healing. May God frustrate our cushioned, Americanized, Christianity and bring deeper understanding to pain and heartache as necessary to the journey. To the Shack and back...
Posted by Randy at 2:18 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
5 Core Heart-Truths
Was reminded this week, from an old journal, of 5 truths God pressed on my heart a few years back. He knew that i needed to be reminded of these once again. As John Eldredge once said, "Forgetfulness is a chief enemy of the heart." Today, i choose to remember and live in truth.
1. I refuse to be shackled by yesterday's failures.
2. What I don't know will no longer be an intimidation, it will be considered an opportunity.
3. I will not allow people to define my mood, method, image, or mission.
4. I will pursue a mission greater than myself.
5. I will not have time for self-pity, gossit, negativism--from myself or others.
Posted by Randy at 9:17 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 8, 2008
The Gentle Giant
written in reflection of my friend Gary's recent death...
He walked among us,
with hands open wide.
Never too far to comfort,
always by your side.
Large in countenance,
only matched the size of his heart.
Giving came easy,
it was his gift, his art.
Being known by many
was never his life's goal.
Wanting to help another...
his calling, his role.
Gary walked among us,
with hands open wide.
Listen to his life,
his message, we will not hide.
He loved the created...
nature, rivers, and outdoors.
With eyes toward the Creator
always knowing, "God, it's yours."
Jesus walked among us,
with hands open wide.
He came to restore
what was destroyed by our pride.
And now he walks,
with hands open wide.
Welcoming our brother Gary,
saying, "Come, rest at my side."
The gentle giant named Gary
is at home in the Father's embrace.
With hands open wide
saving you a place.
You and I can join him,
at home, by his side.
One thing required...
Hands open wide.
Posted by Randy at 9:36 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Grieving a Loss
today, my dad lost a dear friend in florida and i lost him too. he died in a tragic, scuba accident. he was late 40's and an incredible servant and friend. Gary will be missed...
as i contemplate this day and the loss of our brother, gary....
i am struck tonight with the phrase "this is home"...a recent song put out by Switchfoot on the Prince Caspian movie.
a line from the song...
"Now I'm finally where I belong
Where I belong
Yeah, this is home"
Gary is "at home" tonight...while i am still on journey. he is now enjoying the rest and "sigh" of arriving there. though my heart is heavy and the journey long...i am thankful that one day my heart will also be at home.
Grieving a loss...
Posted by Randy at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
pastoral clerks
Our churches are unfortunately filled with "clerk-type" pastors. Passing along quick medicines and prescriptions to soothe the behavior "ache". Take this...try this. Quick fixes offered over the pastoral desk...AKA the drugstore counter. Unhealed or half-healed pastors who are not in touch with their own history and brokenness attempting to lead people through illnesses and darkness.
I join the band of pastors desiring to get back to the heart of pastoral work. Choosing to "take a history" and invite Jesus to bring healing and restoration. Choosing to shepherd, care, and comfort.
Pastoral clerks may bring a lot of money across the counter.
They may increase the profit of the local company.
They may keep the shareholders happy.
And people may experience the short-term results of behavior modifiers.
But I deeply desire to shepherd differently. I want to be shepherded differently.
And my prayer is that Encounter...this movement we are called to...will raise up an army of shepherd-pastors. Men and women who will fight for the healing of hearts.
Posted by Randy at 3:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Our God comes through
I have to testify about the power of God through our we experienced throughout the month of April.
I will limit my blog-space to 2 of them...
1. Campout. We took some men on a campout in early April...fighting for their hearts, deeper healing, and brotherhood. The forecast looked "wet" all week. In fact, not just wet...but potential for tornadoes, etc. We were led to pray and believe that God would clear out a spot over the campground. We prayed all week and God answered by providing clearance. The campout happened, amidst lots of surrounding storms and rain...
2. Golf Tourney. Encounter's golf tournament was scheduled and ready to roll. The forecast was calling for similar conditions...lots of rain and potential tornadoes, etc. We prayed all week that God would clear out the rain from 10am to 6pm...we got specific. We struggled to pray in this way...because we obviously needed the rain...but we asked for God to give clearance for those few hours. Rain and storms surrounded the area all day...yet the course was covered with sunshine and a mix of clouds. The last team finished up...we were driving to the clubhouse @6pm to finalize scores, etc...and the bottom dropped out...lots of rain. God answered the prayer...almost down to the minute.
Certainly prayer is not some kind of "genie" bottle we rub to get our way or get our prayers answered. It is connecting to the heart of our Father and making our requests known. And it is beautiful to see God come through and show His power and glory.
He is worthy of our heart's affection and love...
Posted by Randy at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Book Titles
Melody and I were walking through a local, Christian bookstore today. I am a connoisseur of books. Love to read and love to look over book titles. And, let me say, there are some interesting ones out there.
We saw one book entitled, "Finding the Perfect Mate".
Now, can we just be real honest here? Why do so many marriage books go the "simple, fix-it, how-to" route?
7 ways to fix your marriage.
Enhance your communication skills.
Having a conflict-free marriage.
And...Finding the Perfect Mate.
Maybe I'm a little cynical here...but come one. Is marriage this simple? Are we not tired of the how-to's of doing marriage.
I find that marriage is a bit more messy and complex than that.
So...what about a few new book titles for marriages...
Picking up the pieces.
When she doesn't make sense.
When he doesn't make sense. (obviously, these are sold in a nice, package together)
Baggage claim...dealing with your own junk.
Marital Front-lines...doing battle for your marriage.
Wake Up...a couple's guide to spiritual warfare.
Brokenness...God's pathway to healing and freedom.
Would these be best-sellers? probably not.
But is that what we are after...make some money, sell some books, meet a deadline.
Come on authors, publishers, and marriage warriors. It is time to speak the truth and deal with the real, messy stuff of relationships and marriage.
ok...i am now descending from my soapbox.
Posted by Randy at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Tonight, we gathered with some couples to birth a new community, a small group. This is something that Melody and I have been praying about for a long time. Since moving back to Birmingham, we have been praying about the right time and right people to begin the journey.
The church we are a part of calls this thing a "small group". Tonight, though, we chose words like fellowship, family, platoon, living church, intimate allies, redemptive community, and outpost to describe it. I personally really like the term "outpost".
Webster defines an “outpost” as:
--a security detachment dispatched by a main body of troops to protect it from enemy surprise
--a military base established by treaty or agreement in another country
--an outlying or frontier settlement
--an outlying branch or position of a main organization or group
We are choosing to lay aside the traditional, "knowledge-driven", "lesson-focused", Sunday School class....not that those were bad. But we are much more driven to birth a Bible Obedience Group. Taking and applying scriptural truth to our lives, marriages, and families.
As I was preparing for tonight's meeting, God showed me the healthy tension between Togetherness (community) AND Aloneness (your personal walk).
He gave me an image of each person, through the week, taking up the sword in our unique battle-fronts. Some of the potential, unique battles might be: identity, addiction, anger, fear, pride, selfishness, marriage, parenting, disciplines, etc. So, we are called to take up the sword and fight for our hearts!!! Then, we come together at an “outpost” to literally refresh, refuel, and be renewed.
Now, that my friend, is a whole new approach to "small group, Sunday school, Bible fellowship"...whatever you want to call it.
Then God hit me with this...
If you are truly FIGHTING, then you will truly need REFUELING!!!!!!!!!!
An outpost, a group of people gathering regularly to refuel. A group of people who are out on the front lines through the week, doing battle...then gather out of desperation and dependency on God's refueling power provided through community.
An outpost...this whole thing sounds kind of "New Testament"...don't you think??
Posted by Randy at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Coming out of hibernation
1 : to pass the winter in a torpid or resting state
2 : to be or become inactive or dormant
The hibernation of a man's heart is closely connected to the winter season. The cold, dark days of being asleep...alive, but not present. During these winter days, all creation seemingly comes to a standstill, a halt. Life is put on hold. Barrenness. Emptiness.
But only for a season.
To stay there would be death for the soul. The hibernation of winter, the barrenness of a soul is never intended to be final. It is meant to set the stage. Usher in. To welcome...
Men, fellow warriors of Christ, it is time to come out of hibernation. Spring is in the air and we are still asleep. Lulled by our occupational pursuits and financial striving. The dark enemy of the Spring, Satan, has grayed and dulled us into boredom and laziness.
Squirrels are playing.
Trees are blooming.
Flowers are bursting.
Shades of rainbow-like colors fill the earth landscape.
Men, it is time. Winter is over. Hibernate, no more. It is time to come alive. As a Spirit-induced, follower of Jesus Christ...Spring is in you. Come forth. Awaken, man of God.
Posted by Randy at 10:01 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
2 Images...
Last night, as Mel and I were praying together, I had 2 images that really hit me about this whole faith journey...fighting and resting. Those 2 things don't seem to go hand in hand. I mean when you are fighting, full force against an enemy, there is not much rest involved. Conversely, when you are resting, fighting feels so opposite of that.
But this journey with Jesus and the story He is telling through us involves both. We are constantly battling for our hearts and others. We must daily put on the armor. Satan, our enemy, does not rest. He is on a mission to steal, kill, and destroy. So, we are always fighting.
We are always resting. Resting in the truth that our hearts are spoken for in Jesus Christ. Resting in the fact that performance, good deeds, and striving will not bring worth or value. We are accepted, redeemed, and set free through being "in Christ". Daily dependence and comfort in Him brings great relief and rest.
2 images. 1 life to be lived. Seemingly polar opposites. Fighting...Resting. Yet actually move together beautifully in the life of a follower of Christ.
Posted by Randy at 3:02 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 31, 2008
Thanks be to God today...I have been accepted by faith in Jesus Christ. It is on this fact that I will base my worth and movement through this day. May I accept that I am accepted.
A few quotes for beginning my week...
"To preach devotion first, and blessing second, is to reverse God's order, and preach law, not grace. The Law made man's blessing depend on devotion; Grace confers undeserved, unconditional blessing: our devotion may follow, but does not always do so--in proper measure."
Wm. R. Newell in Romans, Verse by Verse
"Often fear after a while produces only numbness, but love thrives on love. To promise a man the certainty of his destiny may seem, on the human level, like playing with fire; but this leaves God out of the picture. Those who have the deepest appreciation of grace do not continue in sin. Moreover, fear produces the obedience of slaves; love engenders the obedience of sons."
J.W. Sanderson, Jr.
According to 1 John 4:18, perfect love drives out fear. Fear does not belong/is not at home in a son or daughter of the Almighty Father. Jesus, by his love and radical acceptance, drives out any form of fear today. Not So, Jesus, in the same way that you drove out the things that did not belong in your temple...may you, today, drive out the fears that have invaded this living temple, your son. They do not belong. Yet, I have no power in myself to overcome and drive them out. I need you to come through. By your acceptance of me, my worth secured in you...I now live in perfect love.
Now, that is worth accepting!!!!
Posted by Randy at 9:13 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Blind Bartimaeus
"What do you want me to do for you?" Jesus asked him.
The blind man said, "Rabbi, I want to see."
"Go," said Jesus, "your faith has healed you."
Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.
(Mark 10:51-52)
What do you want me to do for you?
Now that, my friend, is quite a question. Here you have a blind man begging by the side of the road. He hears that Jesus is coming and then throws off his cloak, jumps to his feet, and approaches Jesus. Now, it is pretty obvious that Bartimaeus is blind and in need. So, why does Jesus ask such an "obvious" question...What do you want me to do for you? Is Jesus wanting him to state his need and ask for help? Will Jesus heal him if he does not ask?
Rabbi, I want to see.
Bartimaeus states his need and desire quite simply. The man wants to see and he knows that Jesus has the power to do that. What if we framed this differently and viewed this as Bartimaeus' prayer? He asked/prayed/pleaded with Jesus to meet his need. I want/desire to see. What do I need Jesus to do for me today? Am I being specific with my prayers or just tossing out generalizations without much hope of an answer? Does God's activity in my life, in some way, hinge on my asking?
Go...your faith has healed you.
I have to be honest...this statement troubles me a little...Ok, a lot. Jesus healed him. We would all agree to that. But then he says "your faith has healed you." Jesus makes this declaration several times in the gospels. So, what role does my faith play in my healing? Dan Allender, in his book "To Be Told", refers to us as "coauthors" in the story that God is writing. What if we have so downplayed the role we play in faith and life, that we miss out on so much.
I think the part of this whole thing that really disturbs me (in a good way) is the tension between God being in control and the role of my faith. Do I really believe and live in such a way that the way I "faith" and trust plays a vital role in the unfolding of this day?
Something to consider...deeply consider...
Posted by Randy at 10:21 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
a proud daddy...
Posted by Randy at 4:03 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
Where are the sages???
tonight...i am pondering the question...where are the sages?
where are the ones who have gone before us?
is there anyone to look to who has great wisdom more than "know-it-allness"?
someone with humility rather than "i deserve this-ness"?
men with wrinkles and depth, instead of shallowness and pride?
men that make me say "I want what they have..."?
men who are more in love with Jesus than their 401k?
men who are more caught up in living than retiring?
where are the sages?
tonight, i emailed my dad...can't share all of the email. but here is just a piece of it...
"so, dad...receive this...i mean deep in your heart...receive this.
You are a father filled with light and courage. You have what it takes. You have walked down the road of brokenness and continue to receive healing. You have journeyed with many battle scars to show...yet come out with great freedom. Thanks for passing on the freedom and light to me.
You are now a sage...wisdom, longevity, experience, humility, and proven-ness are now your greatest weapons.
Keep fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I really love and admire my dad. He is far from perfect...but he truly "fills up" the word "DAD". Wisdom, longevity, experience, humility, and proven-ness...
Posted by Randy at 8:31 PM 0 comments
Humble Confidence
Great quote to soak on from Brennan Manning's Ruthless Trust:
Before you read, pause.....pause....slow listen....
"The more guilt and shame that we have buried within ourselves, the more compelled we feel to seek relief through sin. As we fixate in our jaded motives and soiled conscience, our self-esteem sinks, and in a pernicious leap of logic, we think that we are finally learning humility.
On the contrary, a poor self-image reveals a lack of humility. Feelings of insecurity, inadequacy, inferiority, and self-hatred rivet our attention on ourselves. Humble men and women do not have a low opinion of themselves; they have no opinion of themselves, because they so rarely think about themselves. The heart of humility lies in undivided attention to God, a fascination with his beauty revealed in creation, a contemplative presence to each person who speaks to us, and a "de-selfing" of our plans, projects, ambitions, and soul. Humility is manifested in an indifference to our intellectual, emtional, and physical well-being and a carefree disregard of the image we present.
No longer concerned with appearing to be good, we can move freely in the mystery of who we really are, aware of the sovereignty of God and of our absolute insufficiency and yet moved by a spirit of radical self-acceptance without self-concern."
I think Paul Tillick said that faith is "accepting that you are accepted."
Let's live in the truth today!!!!
SIDENOTE: Encounter is hosting Brennan Manning next February, in Birmingham. Mark your calendars...
Posted by Randy at 12:55 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 7, 2008
life at the brook
4 or so years ago.
the mannequin in the window was dismembered.
my manufactured attempts were found futile.
my world collapsed.
the castle came a tumbling down.
and the brook dried up...
in the midst of ashes and manufactured parts,
i found a treasure within.
something i had been spending hundreds of hours praying and searching for.
like a sheep caught in a ravine, i was found.
acceptance was accepted.
identity was bestowed.
the journey began.
and now...much personal time is spent,
down by the brook.
continuing to be washed,
continuing to find the man reflected in the waters.
still thirsty, still hungry.
but being fed by the ravens.
nourished by new-found waters.
now, i look around, and see
others gathered at the water hole.
some i have led,
others i have not.
Posted by Randy at 2:52 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
There's within my heart a melody...
I am thankful because I have a wife who...
-buys mandarin oranges and laughs about my late night snacks.
-bought me the Christian Writers Guide because she really believes that the dream in 4th grade, of being a writer one day, is worth pursuing.
-encouraged me to attend Boot Camp in Colorado because she wants more for her man.
-daily transforms our house into home...a sanctuary from the hostile world.
-chose me when she didn't have to.
-knows I enjoy a warm bath and good book, and doesn't think I'm weird (atleast most of the time).
-thinks of me more than she thinks of herself.
-wants to spend time with me, not just because she has to.
-thinks I am funny...most of the time.
-is more in love with God than me.
-prayed for me when I put my head in her lap and said, "I'm confused and hurting."
-could live in the elaborate castles of this world but prefers to spend her days on the battlefield...fighting for my heart and others.
-respects and loves me.
I am thankful because I have a God who fills the pages of my life with Grace and Melody.
Posted by Randy at 10:18 AM 1 comments
Monday, February 25, 2008
Pizza and the Prophet
So, I have these friends in Atlanta named Rocky and Cindy Pizza...yes, you did hear their name right. I think the more proper enunciation is "peeeeeeeza". They have been long-time friends of ours. Rocky has been a dear brother in my journey and walk. I deeply value his friendship, honesty, and support.
Cindy, though, has a real sense of insight, discernment and tenderness. Recently, Cindy was reading through a book on Elijah by Chuck Swindoll and she thought of us. She emailed us to share this and encourage us in the ministry. Very thoughtful and encouraging. Amazing how God places someone on your heart for a reason. We never realize how, what we might call "small obedience", can really be huge for someone else.
So, those who know me...know my fascination and love for books. Any time someone mentions a book or quote to immediate thought is "I have to get that book". I guess that is why our garage is filled with books. When we got the email from Cindy, I went to the garage and remembered i had the book already.
So. over the last few weeks, Melody and I have been studying and digesting this book together. Been great for our marriage to read and talk about things. And God has been speaking some strong truths through the story of Elijah. We are going through this, a chapter at a time, and journaling how it hits us.
The chapter I am working through right now relates to Elijah at the brook. This is where he is led by God to spend time in "hiddenness" down by the brook. And then comes the verse "...and the brook dried up." I have been thinking on that statement a lot. There are a lot of ways that the brook dries up in our life. For me, when this happens, I find myself saying "Ok, God, you led us why are you letting things get so bad? Won't you do something? Don't you care? HELP!!!"
Swindoll's insight that really is hitting me right now...A dried-up brook is often a sign of God's pleasure, not disappointment, in your life. Now, I may have known that truth somewhere in my head and heart...but I needed to see it on paper. So, I am learning to embrace the loneliness and emptiness of the brook drying up. A lot of times God's plan and provision emerge out of the dried-up brooks. Now, that is something to think on...
So, God continues to DELIVER truth in my life...and he used someone with the name "Pizza" to do it. A slice of truth can go a long way in feeding the soul. Now that's soul food...
Posted by Randy at 7:36 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 17, 2008
In December, we sponsored a child through Compassion International. His name is Raphael and he is from Kenya. The cool thing is that he is 4 days older than Caleb. So, it has been a great experience to help Caleb learn about another culture. We pray for Raphael each night and are reminded of how blessed we are in the states.
Today, Caleb drew a picture to send over to him and his family. Below is the picture. You probably can't see it..but he wrote "i love you" on the shirt that he drew for himself. There is something very humbling about seeing life through the eyes of a child.
Posted by Randy at 2:33 PM 1 comments
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Our resident theologian...Caleb
Caleb is 5 years old and sometimes has knowledge beyond his years. Isn't it interesting how a child's mind can sometimes put simple language to the most profound truths?
The other night we were talking after supper and the conversation moved to the subject of heaven. Not sure how we got there, but Caleb has recently been expressing more interest in these things. So, Melody and I were referring to the house we live in as "not being our home". We said our real home is heaven. Caleb, pausing for a minute, says "this house is like a hotel and heaven is like our real home."
And, here I am, 2 days later blogging and thinking about that statement. He really got it right. The house we live in is only a temporary a hotel. You never "move in" to a hotel. You stay, knowing that you will only be there for a short time. You don't get real attached to the pictures, TV, beds, or couch. You know they don't belong to you...they are on loan for a night or two. And, you also know, that you'll be checking out soon.
Forgive me God, for holding on to my stuff so tightly. Forgive me for viewing this earthly dwelling as my home. I tend to place the word "my" in front of things way too much.
I own nothing. Nothing. Temporary...that's all it is. A few nights in a hotel.
We are pilgrims. We are sojourners. Pioneers...never settlers.
Posted by Randy at 9:56 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Saturday morning pheenom
Can someone please explain this to me?
All through the week, we wake our kids up, dragging them out of bed for school. With much weeping and gnashing of teeth, they are forced to vacate the warm bed and get ready for school. The 7am wake from hibernation happens on monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, and friday.
And then Saturday arrives...
Well, let me back up for a minute...friday night, Melody and I put the kids down a little later than usual. And we preach the strong message to them that mommy and daddy would really, really like to sleep in tomorrow morning. This is NOT a school is called lazy-saturday. "So, kids, mommy and daddy would really appreciate it if you would you do every other day of the week...sleep, dear children. And may God bless you and prosper you and increase your territory. Amen." With that, they are placed in bed with dreams of saturday morning SLEEP.
And then Saturday arrives...
You know what happens...all the best made plans of mommies and daddies are awakened to the cry of "I'm awake". Melody and I look at each other and all we can muster up is "NO!!!!!" Our hearts are crying out "God, where did we go wrong?" Both kids wake up, on their own, much earlier than any other day of the week. They are energized and ready to embrace the day.
What is it about saturday that puts this wild streak in our children?
Are they trying to get us back for something?
Can we just get some sleeep?
Can someone please explain this saturday morning phenomenon to me???????????????
Posted by Randy at 9:26 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Story Feasting
In his book "To Be Told", Dan Allender uses the term "story feasting". He is basically talking about the community and the sharing of stories. When a member of the community holds his/her story back, the community starves and goes lacking. But when someone boldly shares their woundedness, healing, and process of recovery...the community is fed and allowed to feast.
I like to compare this to being the body of Christ. In communion or eucharist, we eat and drink of the body and blood of Christ. We celebrate his redemption and soon return. We feast on the body of our Lord. In the New Testament, the church is referred to as the body of Christ. Each member/believer is a part of the larger body. So, in sharing our stories, we are having a "communion" experience. We are feasting and celebrating a brother/sister's journey of redemption and return.
Tonight, our tuesday night guys (the brotherhood) are gathering to begin a new chapter. This wild band of brothers has been doing life together for the last few years. We have realized, though, over recent months that we still don't know everyone's story. So, we are taking the next several weeks for "story feasting". Each week, we will gather and give one man the space to share. He will be given uninterrupted time to share without us trying to "fix" or "frustrate" him.
As a man shares, others will be encouraged to share where that connects and crosses their own story. This keeps us from fixing each other and focuses our attention on our own journey of brokenness and healing...this is truly the feasting part. To only hear and not apply is to NOT feast. It is to pull up a chair, look at the exquisite meal and walk away. In hearing and looking at my own journey, my soul is fed and challenged. I need that. I cannot do life alone. I need community and I need to hear other's journeys.
After this time, we will then share a meal together. It will be a celebration of the "prodigal come home". Kill the fatted calf, bring out a robe, and put a ring on his finger...our brother has come home. This will be a time of celebration and fun. And it will call forth the prodigal in each man. Because every man's story is unique...but every man's story is my story. Choosing, out of my woundedness and sin, to find worth and value in another land...a distant land. Working and slaving in order to "find myself". Then, coming to my senses, I see my Father's face and know his heart. I choose to go home. And I am welcomed with open arms of grace and love.
This, my friends, is the beauty of community and the body of Christ!
Posted by Randy at 10:01 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 1, 2008
Saddle Up
Sometimes being a dad completely unravels me. This morning, I was meeting with my dear brother and friend, Mark Hinson. Sidenote: Maybe you've heard of "tuesdays with Morrie" (recent book)...well I have "fridays with mark" (potential book). I shared with him a story from last night about Caleb and Brennan. I had the boys for what we call "daddy night" which usually involves extra sugar, games, lots of eating, and noise. It is a "let your hair down" kind of night.
Well, last night I was on the floor functioning as the "bronco" in a bull-riding contest. Sidenote: I was a much more energized "bull" in my 20's versus my 30's...can I get a witness? In the middle of this game, Caleb says "hold on, let me go get something." He runs to his room and then hollers for me to help him. He wants to get cowboy hats out of his closet for he and brennan. He plops one on his head and then smashes one down on brennan's head. And then he says, "let's be cowboys!!!"
Reflecting on that moment, this morning with Mark, brought me to tears. The innocent, wild adventures of boyhood. You actually believe you can be and do anything. Last night, the imagination led to cowboy adventures and riding the Daddy Bronco.
So, why the tears? At some point in a man's journey, that sense of adventure and innocence is lost. Your dreams of being a cowboy... ride off into the the demands and worries of this world set in. Something is lost. Something is forgotten.
Every man needs to grieve. Grieving is a form of matters. Most of us men are walking around piecing our lives together with jobs and hobbies while a little boy inside is crying to get out. But the tears have been buried within a shell of woundedness.
Men, let yourselves grieve. It is in grieving that we cry out to our Father God..."restore that sense of innocence and adventure...give me back my heart." Grieving, which is deeply connected to brokenness, leads us to be desperate for healing and restoration. Every man needs healing. Every man needs restoration.
Thank you, Caleb and Brennan, for reminding me that it is never too late to saddle up!!!!
Posted by Randy at 1:27 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Psalms Devo...
Been working on a Psalms devotional guide/book. In December, God seemed to be prompting me to rework it and look at some publishing possibilities. I have always loved writing and dreamed of writing books one day. Feel like that may happen at some point...who knows. Chris Roe (our partner in ministry) and I have talked about putting resources in people's podcasts and written materials. We feel called to fuel this movement called Encounter. It is not based on a personality or organization. It is fluid and much more driven by dependency on the Spirit. As this movement spreads, we want to resource people and empower them to multiply the efforts.
So, here is a sample of the Psalm stuff. it is basically a way to look at the psalms in a personal, devotional way. Gives a few "nuggets" to take through your day...
Psalm 23
1The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
2He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters,
3He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness For his name's sake.
4Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
5You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
6Surely goodness and love will follow me All the days of my life, And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
Valley Moments
“Even though I walk through the valley…”
They come at the oddest times of the day. What seems to be an ordinary moment at work or at home can be quickly transformed into a valley moment. It creeps up on you like a snake in the grass. The hum-drum of a day gets turned upside down. Maybe it is a phone call or a letter. It could show up in a personality or human quirk. Maybe the boss or a co-worker. An ordinary word or a normal look takes on the flesh of a valley moment. Valley moments will not be found on your day-timer or to-do list for the day. They arrive without permission. They typically use the back door instead of the front. They are not announced guests but forced visitors. They are valley moments.
Basically, these valley moments bombard us with feelings of loneliness, isolation, hurt, and guilt. They force our paths into the valley where we taste of death and evil. Take courage, though, because there is a Great Shepherd present in these valley moments. Walk close to Him and He will lead you to pastures of protection. He will guide you to refreshing waters of grace. He restores bones that have been broken from smashing words and cutting personalities. He clears the path of righteousness and makes a way for you to walk with integrity. He is the Good Shepherd.
Today, though they come unexpectantly, embrace the valley moments. More importantly, embrace the Good Shepherd.
Posted by Randy at 11:58 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
this is my resolve...
so, it's been a while since i did the blog thing. we have had a challenging january. the enemy has been turning up the heat in the hemphill home. we all had a stomach bug that lasted almost 2 weeks. brennan got bronchitis this week. caleb is coughing this week. the last month has been non-stop sickness.
now, i don't believe that every sickness is necessarily an attack. sometimes, it is just a reality to walking in these human bodies and being broken. most of my life, though...that was all that i ever believed. i rarely, if ever, traced the enemy's hand to any sickness. well, when you look at this month and the hearts that we are fighting does add up. it has satan's handwriting allover it.
this weekend, we have a living room encounter with 3 couples. the same encounter was planned for last fall...and the week prior, sickness hit. the encounter was moved to january. so, here we are in january and what hits again...sickness. now, i am no rocket scientist here...but CONNECT THE DOTS with me.
we do have an enemy and he is a sorry, defeated &*%^$#!*& . he hates this movement of bringing freedom and healing to people and marriages. he hates it.
this week, though, i hit a point of resolve. he had been wearing us down for the last 3 weeks. and i had enough. last night, i said "satan, maybe i need to be more clear with you. you have no place here. you are defeated and you are bound. i come against you in the name of jesus and by the blood of the lamb. maybe you have selective memory pal...but your past reveals something very are defeated. i oppose you and i bind you, only by the power and authority of jesus christ."
so, i choose today to be a warrior shepherd for my family. i choose to fight for their hearts and do battle against the enemy who wants to take us out. This is my resolve...
Posted by Randy at 9:55 PM 0 comments