Thursday, April 3, 2008

Coming out of hibernation

1 : to pass the winter in a torpid or resting state
2 : to be or become inactive or dormant

The hibernation of a man's heart is closely connected to the winter season. The cold, dark days of being asleep...alive, but not present. During these winter days, all creation seemingly comes to a standstill, a halt. Life is put on hold. Barrenness. Emptiness.

But only for a season.

To stay there would be death for the soul. The hibernation of winter, the barrenness of a soul is never intended to be final. It is meant to set the stage. Usher in. To welcome...


Men, fellow warriors of Christ, it is time to come out of hibernation. Spring is in the air and we are still asleep. Lulled by our occupational pursuits and financial striving. The dark enemy of the Spring, Satan, has grayed and dulled us into boredom and laziness.

Squirrels are playing.
Trees are blooming.
Flowers are bursting.
Shades of rainbow-like colors fill the earth landscape.

Men, it is time. Winter is over. Hibernate, no more. It is time to come alive. As a Spirit-induced, follower of Jesus Christ...Spring is in you. Come forth. Awaken, man of God.